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Case Studies

Real world examples of how Advertisers Printing can take your print strategy to the next level.

How We Saved Clients $53,000 in 2024 With Mail Commingling

With postage costs on the rise and businesses struggling with thin profit margins, we’re always on the lookout for ways to help our clients make the most of their print investment. And in 2024, we hit an exciting milestone – this year Advertisers Printing commingled over 2 million pieces of mail, saving our clients more than $53,000 in postage fees!  If you’re sending mail without commingling, you’re leaving money on the table. Learn more about what commingling is, how it works, and how it could be the game-changer your organization needs in 2025.  What is Commingling? Think of commingling as carpooling for your mail. It’s the process of combining mail from multiple clients to qualify for bulk postage discounts typically reserved for the big players. By bundling your mail with others, we meet USPS presort requirements and slash postage rates while optimizing delivery times. The best part? Your mail still looks and feels like it’s just yours (because it is). The only difference is that by hitching a ride in our commingling system, your mail arrives faster and costs less. Is Your Project a Good Fit for Commingling? Not every project is a candidate for commingling, but if yours fits the bill, the savings can be substantial. Here’s what to look for: How Commingling Works Our shop takes care of the heavy lifting, so you don’t have to worry about USPS complexities. First, we help you choose the right paper size, weight, and design to maximize commingling benefits while staying on-brand. Sometimes the smallest tweaks – like trimming half an inch – can help you take advantage of significant savings. Next, your mail is sorted, bundled, and combined with others, creating a high-volume batch that qualifies for the best rates. You still maintain full control over your campaign’s look, feel, and messaging. Finally, your pre-sorted and barcoded mail will go to USPS for delivery. With your mailers sufficiently optimized for USPS’ infrastructure, they’ll go out quicker and with more reliable delivery than non-commingled counterparts.  The Bottom Line: Better Mail, Bigger Savings Commingling isn’t just a service, it’s a strategy. At Advertisers Printing, we’ve mastered the art of turning mid-sized and high-volume campaigns into cost-saving, high-impact mailers. Curious to see how much commingling could save you? Get in touch with a team member today, and let’s see how we can make your next campaign the best (and smartest) one yet.

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