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Is a Blog Sustainable?

It’s probably only sustainable if people access it, read it and refer to it. This can certainly beg another question as to where blogging first came from. Surprisingly it has a local St Louis connection. A fellow named Brad L. Graham, a theater publicist for the Repertory Theatre of St Louis is occasionally credited with coining the term “Blogosphere”. The “blog” part comes from a shortened variation of the word “web log”, which was used to describe the various websites and when more people communicated in this vernacular, the description was shortened to simply “blog”. Sphere was added as a descriptive tagline to identify the blog world as a blogosphere. Pyra Labs, the developer of the “Blogger” product has used the term “blog” as both a noun and a verb as in a “blog” or “to blog”. It is estimated that over a third of all Internet users have read blogs on one occasion or another. As of early 2011 there were over 156 million public blogs in existence and the medium can have far reaching effects both socially and politically.

Well Advertisers Connects would like to take this opportunity to formally introduce you to our own “blog” offering a range of discussions involving the interaction between our fine color printing space, how we encourage connections betIt’s probably only sustainable if people access it, read it and refer to it. This can certainly beg another question as to where blogging first came from. Surprisingly it has a local St Louis connection. A fellow named Brad L. Graham, a theater publicist for the Repertory Theatre of St Louis is occasionally credited with coining the term “Blogosphere”. The “blog” part comes from a shortened variation of the word “web log”, which was used to describe the various websites and when more people communicated in this vernacular, the description was shortened to simply “blog”. Sphere was added as a descriptive tagline to identify the blog world as a blogosphere. Pyra Labs, the developer of the “Blogger” product has used the term “blog” as both a noun and a verb as in a “blog” or “to blog”. It is estimated that over a third of all Internet users have read blogs on one occasion or another. As of early 2011 there were over 156 million public blogs in existence and the medium can have far reaching effects both socially and politically.

Well Advertisers Connects would like to take this opportunity to formally introduce you to our own “blog” offering a range of discussions involving the interaction between our fine color printing space, how we encourage connections between you and your customers and how all of that relates to our environment. We’ve made some serious commitments of time, education and investment capital focusing on sustainability as it relates to our plant, people and processes. We’ve taken a leadership role as environmental stewards within our industry peer group because we do not believe the paper and printing industry has done the best job at addressing the issue. Therefore it is our hope that this blog space can act as a clearinghouse to disseminate much of the information regarding the area of sustainability within our print community. We are looking forward to sharing this space with you and we hope to hear from you as well as we begin this exciting new journey as Advertisers Connects and producing your products in the most sustainable way. What you think about this subject does matter, so be sure to let us know.

Thanks for reading.

@John Greeney – Because there is NO PLANet B