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Case Studies

Real world examples of how Advertisers Printing can take your print strategy to the next level.

Why The RMGT 9-Series Is the Best Printing Press For Your Next Job

Better, Faster, Stronger, Sharper Printing As you may have heard, we recently unlocked a new level of superior printing for ourselves and our customers by acquiring the 10-color RMGT 9-Series perfecting press. We’ve talked a bit about some of the biggest benefits that come along with using this printing press, and over the course of the next few blogs we’re going to dive deeper into the specifics of these features and what they mean for you! First up, we’re taking a look at the speed and quality attributes of the RMGT press. RMGT 9-Series Speed & Quality Factor #1: One-Pass Full-Color Perfecting How It Works: More than 90% of full-color offset printing is produced two-sided. On most presses, the operators have to print one side of a smaller sheet in one pass, then flip it over and print the other side of the sheet with another pass. With the RMGT-9 series we can print up to five colors on both sides of a larger sheet in just one pass, while including more products on the sheet than we could have before. Why It’s Awesome (in Plain English): It’s no secret that the modern business world demands accuracy, efficiency and “do it now” delivery. We already have a reputation for executing time-sensitive projects right on schedule and helping our clients breathe easy when they’re in a rush. One-pass perfecting allows us to do our job even more efficiently, which means greater scheduling flexibility for you, and yet another reason to trust that you’ll get exactly what you need, exactly when you need it. RMGT 9-Series Speed & Quality Factor #2: LED-Curing How It Works: Our RMGT 9-Series features the latest GEW LeoLED MLA (Modular Lamp Array) curing technology, which means our customers can now enjoy top-tier curing capabilities, flexibility, and gloss levels. Not only does LED-curing dry ink in an instant so that sheets are immediately ready to finish, it enables a process called “dry-trapping” wherein high gloss products see a 10-15% higher gloss level compared to projects that use the traditional “wet-trap” process. Why It’s Awesome (in Plain English): In addition to one-pass perfecting, the RMGT’s insta-dry curing contributes significantly to the acceleration of the delivery process, allowing you to receive your products faster than ever before. LED-curing also unlocks a whole new world of extraordinary possibilities for your products: think three-dimensional textures, captivating coatings, and special synthetic materials (like plastic) that will have your customers saying, “How did they do this?!” and awarding your piece a coveted spot on the front of their refrigerator. In other words, LED-curing means a huge selection of outstanding, attention-grabbing options to pick from when choosing your inks, varnishes/coatings, and substrates. RMGT 9-Series Speed & Quality Factor #3: Process Automation How It Works: The RMGT continues our practice of using automation to make our clients’ lives easier. Automated program inking supplies just the right amount of ink as soon as printing starts, and ink is automatically adjusted to match the approved proof throughout the run. Additionally, the PCS-G printing control system uses pre-press data to automatically supply the right amount of ink for each color, allowing us to achieve “okay” color in as little as 30 sheets. Why It’s Awesome (in Plain English): By automating processes that would be done manually on another machine, we’re able to increase overall efficiency and expedite the quality control process. These automated features essentially serve as a “first line of defense” against potential defects, and reduce the margin of error during every run. By promoting consistent printing quality, the RMGT’s automated features result in pieces with perfect colors from first sheet to last … everything you’ve come to expect from Advertisers Printing. RMGT 9-Series Speed & Quality Factor #4: High-Performance Separator + Vacuum Feeder How It Works: From ultra-thin sheets to thick cardstock, the RMGT’s advanced air management technology ensures that every product is fed with extreme precision, even during ultra high-speed press runs. In addition, the vacuum feeder provides smooth, stable sheet feed into the press, and an integrated brush/runner wheel shortens the time required to change sheet sizes. Why It’s Awesome (in Plain English): Combined, these features ensure that the RMGT is more than a match for even the most difficult stocks and substrates. It has all of the horsepower required to handle heavy materials such as plastic or cardstock, plus precision feeding that can deal with thin, onion-skin substrates like metallic films or transparent plastics without bending or wrinkling. By facilitating these tricky aspects of the quality control process, the RMGT allows us to offer you a wider range of print products (such as banners, display boxes, retail shelf tags, and large window decals) with extreme accuracy. By now, you’ve probably noticed that we know this printing press and its functionality inside and out, and we love talking about it. In fact, when you run into one of us, we probably won’t be able to stop ourselves from sharing more. We are genuinely excited to work with you to dream up some truly unique, never-before-seen print products that set your print marketing game a league above your competitors. Our print experts have spent quite a bit of time studying how this press can help you achieve your communication goals. Now we’re eager to share our knowledge with you as we work together to blaze a trail across the future of print communications! Ready to dream up your next print project? Let’s talk! Contact us today to speak with one of our print strategists about the new heights your company will be able to reach with the RMGT 9-Series.

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