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Case Studies

Real world examples of how Advertisers Printing can take your print strategy to the next level.

LED-UV Curing: Save Money, Save Time, Save the Environment

  When printing with conventional inks, it’s common for customers to request that their projects have an aqueous coating added during the process to make their pieces more resistant to scratches and scuffs. However, there are some drawbacks associated with the use of aqueous coating that, until now, haven’t had a comprehensive solution to resolve.  Enter: Advanced LED-UV Curing Technology. Because Advertisers Printing offers LED-UV curing on our newest press, aqueous coating is no longer needed on the vast majority of projects, and our customers are able to receive higher quality pieces, faster, and in a more environmentally friendly way. Here are five of the biggest benefits that go along with replacing aqueous coatings with the LED-UV curing process.  UV LED Printing Benefit #1: Reduced Cost – Passed on to YOU!  You may be curious if leveraging this cutting-edge technology comes along with an increased price tag or some kind of catch. The good news is that the cost of printing with LED-UV is comparable to the cost of printing with traditional offset, so you’re essentially getting a number of new perks without a big price hike. The other good news is that, for legacy work, we will trim 5% off the bill when you choose UV LED printing over aqueous coating. We’re already well known for our exceptional turnaround time – now we can take it to a new level! The LED UV printing process enables instant curing (drying) of both sides of the print sheet, eliminating any wait time before the job can be sent off for finishing. The RMGT’s Insta.Color automation also cuts make-ready (setup) time by ⅔. Combined, these features make the UV printing process more efficient on the front end and the back end, and throughput time can be decreased by 1-2 days on a variety of jobs. That means, depending on the project, you can expect to receive your printed materials 1-2 days faster when you choose LED-UV over aqueous coating.   UV LED Printing Benefit #3: Greater Levels of Consistent High Quality In keeping with our reputation for consistent high quality, instant ink curing via LED-UV allows you to achieve harmonic color (live job matches the exact color specified in the sample) on any substrate. In fact, the only way to achieve harmonic color on uncoated paper is through the LED-UV process. With aqueous coatings, if there is even a slight hiccup such as the coating soaking too much into the paper or ink, there’s a greater chance of “dry-back” where the ink dries faster than it should. Dry-back often results in colors that don’t match up and gloss levels that are lower than desired.  Eliminating aqueous coating and choosing LED-UV also permits you to see the contrast between the ink and the substrate being printed by setting the inks before they have a chance to set in. As our designer and creative friends know, this is another huge benefit as contrast is crucial for creating eye-catching pieces that “pop.” This separation also means that the ink-layer thickness is rock hard, making your pieces resistant to fingerprints, scratches, and scuffs during the mailing process and post-delivery. Plus, with LED-UV curing, there are almost no limitations to the types of special effects and superior finishes you can experiment with to enhance your print communications.  UV LED Printing Benefit #4: Reduced Environmental Footprint LED-UV curing aligns with our commitment to sustainable operations, providing several significant advantages in this area. The LED-UV process does not emit any ozone and LED-UV inks are 99% VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) free, compared to conventional inks which can contain up to 30 times more VOCs. In addition, the LED-UV curing system consumes 90% less power than a conventional arc lamp system, and the press uses 20-25% less energy than the smaller offset press it replaced. The press also allows for a 70-75% reduction in make-ready (set-up) material spoilage on everyday jobs. When comparing these energy efficiencies against the use of aqueous coating, the manufacturer of the press notes that LED-UV “uses 75% less energy than single-side presses that use aqueous coating.” Zero ozone emissions, minuscule VOC release, and much greater energy efficiency are some of the biggest sustainability attributes of using LED-UV.  UV LED Printing Benefit #5: Health and Safety As mentioned above, LED-UV inks are 99% VOC free, while conventional inks often contain a much higher ratio of VOCs. Because the GEW LeoLED Modular Lamp Array immediately sets the inks, the trace amounts present in LED-UV inks are not released into the air. This is important from a safety standpoint, as our pressmen typically work 8-10 hour shifts and maintaining the health of our staff is one of our top priorities. Of course, our workspace also complies with OSHA guidelines regarding indoor air quality and ventilation systems so that our staff are safe no matter what type of project they’re working on. LED-UV curing just means less pollutants to filter out and less of the strong odors associated with aqueous coatings and certain types of varnishes.  It’s important to note that, while we hope you don’t have to use it, we still retain the ability to print with aqueous coatings. For small or personalized runs, the application of such a coating is still a viable technique that can ensure the longevity of certain projects. Have any questions about the benefits of LED-UV printing or want to bounce some project ideas off one of our print strategists and receive insightful feedback? Contact us today and we can schedule a time to chat soon! 

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Why The RMGT 9-Series Is the Best Printing Press For Your Next Job

Better, Faster, Stronger, Sharper Printing As you may have heard, we recently unlocked a new level of superior printing for ourselves and our customers by acquiring the 10-color RMGT 9-Series perfecting press. We’ve talked a bit about some of the biggest benefits that come along with using this printing press, and over the course of the next few blogs we’re going to dive deeper into the specifics of these features and what they mean for you! First up, we’re taking a look at the speed and quality attributes of the RMGT press. RMGT 9-Series Speed & Quality Factor #1: One-Pass Full-Color Perfecting How It Works: More than 90% of full-color offset printing is produced two-sided. On most presses, the operators have to print one side of a smaller sheet in one pass, then flip it over and print the other side of the sheet with another pass. With the RMGT-9 series we can print up to five colors on both sides of a larger sheet in just one pass, while including more products on the sheet than we could have before. Why It’s Awesome (in Plain English): It’s no secret that the modern business world demands accuracy, efficiency and “do it now” delivery. We already have a reputation for executing time-sensitive projects right on schedule and helping our clients breathe easy when they’re in a rush. One-pass perfecting allows us to do our job even more efficiently, which means greater scheduling flexibility for you, and yet another reason to trust that you’ll get exactly what you need, exactly when you need it. RMGT 9-Series Speed & Quality Factor #2: LED-Curing How It Works: Our RMGT 9-Series features the latest GEW LeoLED MLA (Modular Lamp Array) curing technology, which means our customers can now enjoy top-tier curing capabilities, flexibility, and gloss levels. Not only does LED-curing dry ink in an instant so that sheets are immediately ready to finish, it enables a process called “dry-trapping” wherein high gloss products see a 10-15% higher gloss level compared to projects that use the traditional “wet-trap” process. Why It’s Awesome (in Plain English): In addition to one-pass perfecting, the RMGT’s insta-dry curing contributes significantly to the acceleration of the delivery process, allowing you to receive your products faster than ever before. LED-curing also unlocks a whole new world of extraordinary possibilities for your products: think three-dimensional textures, captivating coatings, and special synthetic materials (like plastic) that will have your customers saying, “How did they do this?!” and awarding your piece a coveted spot on the front of their refrigerator. In other words, LED-curing means a huge selection of outstanding, attention-grabbing options to pick from when choosing your inks, varnishes/coatings, and substrates. RMGT 9-Series Speed & Quality Factor #3: Process Automation How It Works: The RMGT continues our practice of using automation to make our clients’ lives easier. Automated program inking supplies just the right amount of ink as soon as printing starts, and ink is automatically adjusted to match the approved proof throughout the run. Additionally, the PCS-G printing control system uses pre-press data to automatically supply the right amount of ink for each color, allowing us to achieve “okay” color in as little as 30 sheets. Why It’s Awesome (in Plain English): By automating processes that would be done manually on another machine, we’re able to increase overall efficiency and expedite the quality control process. These automated features essentially serve as a “first line of defense” against potential defects, and reduce the margin of error during every run. By promoting consistent printing quality, the RMGT’s automated features result in pieces with perfect colors from first sheet to last … everything you’ve come to expect from Advertisers Printing. RMGT 9-Series Speed & Quality Factor #4: High-Performance Separator + Vacuum Feeder How It Works: From ultra-thin sheets to thick cardstock, the RMGT’s advanced air management technology ensures that every product is fed with extreme precision, even during ultra high-speed press runs. In addition, the vacuum feeder provides smooth, stable sheet feed into the press, and an integrated brush/runner wheel shortens the time required to change sheet sizes. Why It’s Awesome (in Plain English): Combined, these features ensure that the RMGT is more than a match for even the most difficult stocks and substrates. It has all of the horsepower required to handle heavy materials such as plastic or cardstock, plus precision feeding that can deal with thin, onion-skin substrates like metallic films or transparent plastics without bending or wrinkling. By facilitating these tricky aspects of the quality control process, the RMGT allows us to offer you a wider range of print products (such as banners, display boxes, retail shelf tags, and large window decals) with extreme accuracy. By now, you’ve probably noticed that we know this printing press and its functionality inside and out, and we love talking about it. In fact, when you run into one of us, we probably won’t be able to stop ourselves from sharing more. We are genuinely excited to work with you to dream up some truly unique, never-before-seen print products that set your print marketing game a league above your competitors. Our print experts have spent quite a bit of time studying how this press can help you achieve your communication goals. Now we’re eager to share our knowledge with you as we work together to blaze a trail across the future of print communications! Ready to dream up your next print project? Let’s talk! Contact us today to speak with one of our print strategists about the new heights your company will be able to reach with the RMGT 9-Series.

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Level Up Your Print Projects with the RMGT 9-Series

At Advertisers Printing, we pride ourselves on staying at the forefront of what modern printing can do. We have a history of investing in cutting-edge technology throughout the decades, from acquiring our first multi-color offset press in the 1960s to instituting a digital-based file prep system in the early 1990s. Now we are very excited to usher in a new era of printing excellence with our recent acquisition of the 10-color RMGT 9-Series perfecting press. Hailing all the way from Fukuyama, Japan, this state-of-the-art printing press will allow us to give you a higher quality product, faster, and in a more environmentally sustainable way than ever before. Read on to learn more about why the RMGT 9-Series is a total game-changer, for us and for you. Why Did We Buy the RMGT 9-Series? Let’s address the elephant in the room: investing in this high-tech printing press at this particular point in time probably seems like a peculiar business decision to some. During a year when many companies are cutting costs and pulling back, why did we decide to put our foot on the gas? Commitment to Our Customers – First and foremost, we purchased this press because we are extremely passionate about going above and beyond to provide our customers with superior quality printing solutions. When we find out that there’s a new way to strengthen our capabilities and produce a better quality product, we devise a plan to make it happen. Continuing Our Legacy – Another reason is that we believe investment in this press is what’s best for the longevity of our company, which benefits everyone whose lives we touch – employees, clients, suppliers, shareholders, and our local community. Dedication to Sustainability – The many eco-friendly features of this press continue our long-standing tradition of protecting the environment through sustainable operations. We strive to conduct business and deliver quality work in the most environmentally responsible way we can, each and every day. Why Should Our Customers Be as Excited as We Are? We’re obviously ecstatic over the RMGT 9-Series, but why should you care? It may seem like it will be business as usual for you and your organization … on the contrary! Speed and Quality – The fact that this press is capable of quickly producing a higher quality product means that you will be able to enhance your future print marketing projects during a time when mediocre marketing can be a death sentence. You’ll work hand in hand with our print experts to find the best way for your company to up your print game and stand out from the crowd. And by combining single-pass printing with LED instant-curing technology, this press will expedite the entire printing process so you can go from ideation to execution even faster. Innovative Finishes and Specialty Substrates – The RMGT 9-Series also opens up a whole new host of options for creating extraordinarily unique print projects. We’ll dive deeper into the details of this in a forthcoming blog, but imagine books with incredibly lifelike imagery and dimensional mailers that provide a sensory experience (feel the scales of a lizard!). You’ll also have even more choices for print mediums, such as static window clings, vinyl banners, and other synthetic materials. Green Printing – By choosing Advertisers Printing to print your projects with the RMGT 9-Series, you will be part of our effort to share the magic of print with people in an environmentally conscious way. This press allows us to lower paper spoilage by up to 80% and reduce consumables by a third, plus the LED curing uses only 10% of the energy footprint of a conventional arc lamp UV system. Stay tuned for more details on the green features of this press, and how it’s able to use less energy and produce less waste than the vast majority of printing machines in its class. Best of Both Worlds – Because we remain fully dedicated to offering a hybrid mix of offset and digital print production, it’s important to note that the RMGT doesn’t replace many of our other powerful presses … it complements them! That means you’ll be able to work with us to come up with projects that utilize the best aspects of multiple machines. For a variable data run, we could produce full-color sheets with the RMGT and then run them through our HP 100000 to print the data, making the process much more effective than relying on one press alone. Is your head starting to swirl with ideas and questions about what you’ll be able to do with the RMGT 9-Series? Let’s chat! Contact us today to speak with one of our print marketing experts about what kind of projects we can bring to life to help you win more business and make your competitors jealous.

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Print Quality Control: Our Obsession Is Your Advantage

Advertisers Printing has been a family owned and operated business for 4 generations now, and we have achieved our reputation of excellence through a deliberate blend of tradition and innovation. As those who work with us know, one of our most long-standing and sacred traditions is our unwavering commitment to print quality control. Ever since our company was founded nearly 100 years ago, we have upheld a standard of superior quality across every function of our business. There are a wide range of systems and methods that we use to maintain this standard, including a number of documented Quality Control (QC) processes. Read on to learn how our dedication to Quality Control helps guarantee accuracy and consistency at every phase of print production. Print Quality Control Factor #1: Print Planning Our QC procedures are built on a rock-solid foundation of expertise, as our staff have accrued years of training and hands-on experience working with complex printing projects. Our print planning process starts with a good plan.  Some of our team members have decades of experience in this industry! To ensure our clients get the best possible results and are 100% satisfied, we work closely with them throughout the entire process, from design to done. For most print runs, the first documented step in the QC process is to confirm the technical details of the project and check that the client’s artwork is correctly prepared for printing. Print Quality Control Factor #2: Print Preflight Pre-production planning, print preflight, color correcting, and flagging possible manufacturing issues are all crucial elements of the prepress process that lay the groundwork for a finished product that looks exactly as it should. On the client’s end, passing the preflight checks to verify file compatibility, resolution, and readability can seem complicated, especially for those who aren’t familiar with design terminology. That’s why we created a set of straightforward guidelines that walk you through the necessary file prep components, including font usage, color consistency, and file compression. Once those steps have been completed, clients send us the files using our File Bridge upload solution, which combines standard file transfer with built-in automation to move the job through production as quickly as possible. We firmly believe that time is everyone’s most precious commodity, and one of the best ways we can serve our clients is to respect their time. Print Quality Control Factor #3: Color Consistency Even today, many companies struggle with color consistency and matching the correct tones between the proof that has been OK’d by the client and the actual press sheet. So how do you make sure your printed pieces look as stunning hot off the press as they do on your computer? By working with a highly experienced and reliable printing partner such as Advertisers Printing! Not only were we one of the first printing companies in the world to embrace color management, but we were actually a beta testing site for the G7 process and have a certified G7 professional on staff. We’re also experts when it comes creating color curves specifically for the press and paper your job requires. Because we take our craft seriously and “sweat the small stuff,” our color matching and color consistency are second to none. Print Quality Control Factor #4: Print Proofing The next step of our QC process is to create a proof that gives our clients a precise idea of what the finished product will look like. First, a digital proof is generated in order to verify that the layout, text, and alignment are all correct. Then an Epson proof (hardcopy proof) is printed using a color curve that has been created to match the press that the job will be printed on. For very intricate jobs, we will also print a short run “press” proof using all of the materials that will be involved in the finished product.   Clients use Proof Connect, our online proofing system, to review, annotate, and approve projects whenever and wherever is most convenient for them. Users in different locations can even login simultaneously to view and critique their proofs. In addition to drastically reducing the time between initial print proofing and final approval, Proof Connect provides a digital paper trail that ultimately saves energy, materials, and cost. That digital trail also helps keep everyone on our team accountable for their unique role in the printing process. Print Quality Control Factor #5: Printing As a final precaution just before starting the run, the client can come in for a “press check” in which they confirm that the colors being printed are as close as possible to the latest color proof they examined. While this is far past the proofreading stage, it also gives the client a final chance to catch an error they may have previously missed. Once the press operator has prepared the machinery and has been given the green light by their supervisor, the run begins. Prints are regularly monitored throughout the run, and we remove any that do not meet the expected quality and fix any discrepancies that may appear. Because relying on visual evaluation of color isn’t enough, we use a tool called a scanning spectrophotometer to measure the “DNA” of color with extreme precision. The spectrophotometer reads the color patches on the color bar (typically printed in the trim area of a press sheet) and uses that as a reference to identify color drift issues long before the human eye can. Because even the most gorgeous print products can be ruined by poor finishing, we also conduct a post-press check to ensure that any finishing (trimming, embossing, foiling, die-cutting, folding, bindery, etc.) is of the highest quality. Print Quality Control Factor #6: Record Keeping We maintain a backup file room with records of every job we run, dating seven years back. These contain notes that the press operator made during a run, such as ink level adjustments and color matching comments, as well as useful samples from past jobs. Record keeping is yet another

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3 Easy Ways to Increase the Impact of Your Printed Marketing Materials

In the last few years, research has proven that print is still alive and kicking. In fact, one study recently found that print advertisements are easier for readers to understand, more persuasive, and more attention-grabbing. With so many positive statistics hinting that you should incorporate print into your marketing strategies, you have no reason not to give it a shot! Let’s take a look at three easy ways your organization can increase the impact of your printed marketing materials. 1. Focus on Quality Over Quantity in Your Print Marketing Strategy Given how frequently people open and read direct mail, it may be tempting to bombard their mailboxes with advertisements of all kinds. But before you instruct your team to completely turn your efforts from web to print, consider how your email inbox might look right now. Saturated with junk offers and “buy more” emails, right? Likewise, nobody likes to open their mailbox and find piles of spammy ads—so how are you going to stand out from the generic print that other companies send? The best way to take advantage of an impactful print marketing strategy is to focus on quality, not quantity, while still leading with online marketing efforts. Emphasizing quality in print will show your customers that you don’t cut corners and understand what they want to see (which communicates information in a manner that your customer understands and appreciates). 2. Be Intentional About Your Custom Print Design Even if you spend big bucks on high-quality paper and other snazzy printing features, a poorly designed piece will quickly turn off any customer. If you don’t have a team member who knows their way around Photoshop or InDesign, we recommend consulting with a professional to help you realize the vision in your head. While designing your piece, you also want to resist the temptation of dumping every flashy new printing trend onto one canvas. In other words, you should be deliberate about how you design your marketing piece—consider the layout, colors, fonts, and how you want your customers to interact with whatever you’re sending. The idea is to make your custom print designing engaging, interesting, and comprehensible—otherwise, it’ll go right into the trash without a second thought. 3. Partner with a Reputable Full-Service Printer Partnering with a reputable, full-service printer that has years of experience is your best bet for producing impactful print marketing materials. In fact, some printing companies even have marketers and designers on staff who can guide you through the entire process—from concept to print—so you aren’t creating a product blindly. Advertisers Printing is here to help you better connect with today’s customers. We’re a full-service, sustainable printing company that offers assistance from initial project planning to final distribution. We have decades of experience printing materials ranging from professional business cards to bound books, compelling posters, and even banners. If you can dream it, we can help you print it. Contact Advertisers Printing, a St. Louis Printing Company today for more print marketing tips and tricks.

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